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UL tire coupling

Author: Hangzhou Constant Transmission Co., Ltd. 发布日期:2019/7/12 10:44:20

UL tire coupling is a high-performance elastic coupling. Because the elastic element is an integral tire body, the tire coupling has excellent shock absorption and good performance of offset compensation between axles. It is easy to install, does not require lubrication, is easy to maintain, and has a long service life. The working temperature of the tire coupling is -20~80 degrees Celsius, and the transmission torque is 10~20000N.M. The tire coupling is suitable for wet, dusty, There are working environment parts with shock, vibration, changeable forward and reverse rotation and frequent starting.

The standard semi-tire coupling structure is K type, which can no longer be marked in the display.

The rubber element (tire) of the tire coupling is vulcanized and bonded to the metal pressure plate, and the two halves of the coupling are directly connected with bolts during assembly. 

Flexible, large damping, large compensation 

Simple structure, easy assembly, no need to move the coupling axially when changing the tire body 

Disadvantages: the radial dimension is huge, with the increase of the torsion angle, considerable axial force will be generated on the driving and driven shafts